Month: October 2019

Dream 10/13/19

#1 I woke up and I find myself face down into the ocean. I didn’t have goggles on so I couldn’t see much. I went back to sleep and woke up in the same situation but this time with goggles. I am deathly afraid of the contents of the ocean. So when I saw the creatures and the depth, I scrambled back to fall asleep to escape the ocean.

Note: I couldn’t breathe under water.

#2 I met Nico Bolzico and his dog Pochola. They let me in their home where I met Solenn and all the other cats that they were catsitting while their owners were away.

Dream 10/06/19

I decided to join a drag show competition. The show’s audience consisted of many of my friends from different friend groups. I entered the room half in drag and got filly ready on my seat. When it was also my turn, I started getting nervous. But two of my friends decided to accompany me to the introduction part. We entered the stage singing the Girl Scouts of the Philippines anthem. It was a hoot. Everyone was cheering for us.

My drag name was Vanilla Hazea.